Gunsopedia:Article of the day

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Caution.png Keepin mind that everything here is in the middle of a major overhaul after the move from the old domain, especially with the new page structure (i.e., <date>/article instead of a portion on a date's page). See the new guidelines page for more details.


An Article of the Day or AOTD is a small lead-in/teaser placed on the front page describing the featured article that is being showcased that day. Since we don't have a the staff to do all the writeups ourselves, we allow individual users like you to suggest AOTDs and even design the front page intro yourself it you want.

This page not only provides instructions on how to make and get approval for an AOTD, but it also provides a handy list of, and links to, all active AOTDs.

[edit] Creating AOTDs

[edit] Criteria

see Gunsopedia:featured articles

[edit] Approval

Just like featured articles, no article should be posted as an AOTD until it has been approved by an administrator.

[edit] January

[edit] February

[edit] March

[edit] April

[edit] May

[edit] June

[edit] July

[edit] August

[edit] September

[edit] October

[edit] November

[edit] December

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