Gunsopedia:Current events

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News for Gunsopedia and Gun Owners' Resource, along with newsfeeds from the firearms and ammunition industries, other pro-RKBA sites and organizations.

See this page's discussion page to report errors or submit additional newsfeeds.

National Rifle Association

Fallout from Trudeau’s Gun Grab: Crime is Up, Number of Gun Ranges Drops

In Canada, a ban on over 1,500 firearm makes, models and variants, together with a mandatory government confiscation (“buyback”) requirement, was imposed by Liberal Prime Minister Justin Trudeau over four years ago. 

Still no Trace of the Truth

In our first installment of a critical analysis of an anti-gun propaganda podcast series from The Trace, we covered the lies, misinformation, and deceptive emotional arguments made in the first four episodes. 

Rhode Island: Mandatory Storage Bill Signed As Legislature Adjourns

Late last week, Rhode Island lawmakers adjourned for the year, but not before anti-gun Gov. Dan McKee inked his signature to the main piece of gun control to pass the Legislature in 2024. H.7373A/S.2022aa, forces gun owners to store their firearms under lock and key, but home invaders will get to play by a different set of rules. The Burglar Protection Act is dangerous because when seconds matter, anti-gun lawmakers want you to fumble around in the dark for keys to the safe while armed intruders breezily make their way to the top of your staircase. 

Gun Owners' Resource

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